Executive Leadership Support Forum: Instructor Interview

Bonnie Low-Kramen
Ultimate Assistant Training & Consulting Inc.

Named 2015 Educator of the Year by DEMA, the Domestic Estate Managers Association, Bonnie is one of the most respected experts on workplace issues and is an international speaker and corporate trainer. For 25 years, Bonnie worked as the Personal Assistant to Os¬car winner Olympia Dukakis and is the author of the bestseller, Be the Ultimate Assistant. In 2011, she resigned from her work with Olympia Dukakis to pursue her dream of building a stronger and more respectful global work¬place. This commitment caused her to launch the Speak Up! Pledge campaign and to speak out against workplace bullying.

Bonnie Low-Kramen will be one of the distinguished instructors at the Executive Leadership Support Forum: Boston on May 2-3, 2018.

Bonnie will also be speaking at the ELS Forums:

Why is the Executive Leadership Support Forum important for executive assistants?

The Forum is, for many attendees, the first training they have ever attended and that alone is a very big deal. Given how much is at stake in our complicated workplace, training has never been more important for executive assistants. The Forum is a priceless learning and networking opportunity offering a place to bring together EAs who yearn to be at the top of their game.

Looking back, what advice would you give yourself when you were first starting your career?

Find mentors and mentor others. Attend networking events and lectures and show up early. Seek to constantly connect with experts smarter than you.

Are there any blogs, books, articles or online forums you recommend reading?

Every assistant – women and men – would benefit from reading the book “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg as a way to fully understand the modern workplace and the wage gap. I also recommend the “Be the Ultimate Assistant” blog and podcast series as important resource information for all assistants.